As previously mentioned, I had one of the most blissful blessing of the Grace of the Divine at a Dr. Joe Dispenza meditation retreat which healed my hearing. I gave a video testimonial of the occurrence after friends told me how profound it was and that it may be inspiring to others. I met Dr.Joe later that day with friends, shared my experience with him and was later invited to share it again in a Live Interview on his monthly Teleclass (now called Dr. Joe Live).
If you purchase his book ”Becoming Supernatural, How Common People are Doing the Uncommon” (which I highly recommend), under Case Studies, It could Happen to You, I am Stacey. He briefly outlines my experience which I will go into more detail with here.
Back in the beginning of 2014 I began to experience severe headaches. I’m a person that’s never had a headache, I never take aspirin, I don’t take medications. My past is as a Registered Nurse and prior to my retirement in 2018 I had a very successful practice as a 5 Element Acupuncturist. I always believed myself to be pretty healthy. Then I began to have excruciating headaches, where it was almost like black out pain. After some time of dealing with them, doing every alternative therapy that I could imagine or think of, I finally went to my medical practitioner and got a CT scan. I was lying on the table for the CT scan and they said “oh hold on for a second, we’re going to send these scans up to the doctor.” As a nurse, you know immediately that something else is going on. I was then diagnosed with a meningioma, which is a benign tumor in the back of the brain. It’s sitting in a precarious place close to a vein. Meningiomas are benign (non cancerous), but they continue to grow and the growth can cause problems. The only solution is surgery, a craniotomy, which is basically drilling a hole in the back of your skull and taking it out, which I wasn’t willing to do at that time.
Besides the horrible pain in my head, I was starting to have problems with my ear and my hearing, dizziness, lightheadedness. It affected me in so many unusual ways it was quite shocking to me. I was doing many, many therapies and I still couldn’t seem to get it under control.
I fired my first doctor that told me that there was no way the pain could be related to the tumor even though I pointed to the exact location on my head with my fingers of where the tumor was before the CT or MRI scans gave the exact same evidence. Unfortunately the medical community still has this belief system. Even though I stated I am a believer in both worlds of medicine, both Eastern and Western, that I am a person who works with and believes in treating the person as a whole, that body and that body, mind and spirit is my truest belief system and that I am totally in tune with my body. My first doctor patronizingly and condescendingly said I “should probably take a vacation.” I looked at my husband sitting next to me in disbelief, knowing that if it was him sitting there, if it was a man stating this information, that no way would that doctor have spoken to him like that. My husbands eyes got big and saw the look of anger on my face. I took a breath and turned back to the doctor and said we’re done here, you’re fired and got up and walked out before spewing the many obscenities that were on the tip of my tongue. I called, made a formal complaint and was reluctant to go back even to see the world renowned head of the Neurosurgery department.
Gratefully, right around this time one of my clients mentioned Dr. Joe Dispenzas book “You are the Placebo.” I remember thinking I had heard about it. You read a lot being in health care for over 20 years and a lot of it is the same old message regurgitated in new ways by new people. Dr. Joe’s book was fresh and appealed to the part of my brain that loves science and quantum physics. I was enthralled with his fresh approach. I started reading and doing some of the meditations. Having done many forms of meditation on and off for about 20 years, when I first heard the meditations, I was challenged as they were different. I did them anyways, something in me knew, just do them.
I trusted my intuition, it’s been life changing in the most beautiful ways.

Light Channel, Energy Practitioner, Synesthesia Artist
Making the Invisible Visible.